Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

nmap in android

nmap ada lah senjata yg powerfull...
sekarang ada juga buat android.....
cara confignya ni..

First of all you need to download the cross compiled arm nmap from here.

Then connect your phone to your pc and on adb:
adb remount
adb push nmap.zip /sdcard/nmap.zip
adb shell (following on shell)
cd /data/local
mkdir bin
cd bin
cp /sdcard/nmap.zip .
unzip nmap.zip
chmod 755 *
After that you can run nmap (nmap -v -iR 5 -PN -p 80 –n) using the terminal emulator like on a normal pc!

unt donlot laen here

nmap in android Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: r007-

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